October 7, 2024

Today’s prompt from www.reverb10.com asks me to write about a moment from this past year during which I felt most alive.

I’m going to say it was the day I took this picture.

Sun Salutation

My family was gathered together for the “August Birthday Party,” which is for my dad, two of my brothers, one of my sisters, and a niece, all of whom have August birthdays.  We have this party every year.  My brothers grill.  We set a long table of food out in the back yard.  Children and dogs alike steal cookies and run around like wild things.

This year we brought out the Slip ‘n Slide.  A good time was had by all.  I also had a brand new telephoto lens for my camera, so I got a close up view to the excitement without actually getting wet.  The best of both worlds.

That’s how I managed to take this.


Now that’s living.

3 thoughts on “Moment (Reverb 10, Day 3)

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