October 6, 2024

Day 197:  End of an Era

197 of 365.

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?” ~Albus Dumbledore to Harry in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling.

I saw the last Harry Potter movie today, thus ending my summertime tradition of awaiting the next treat from JK Rowling. I have a feeling that’s not really over. She’ll give us something else to adore at some point. Maybe not another trip to Hogwarts, but something we’ll love.

It’s also not over for me because I still have young nieces and nephews. I was introduced to Harry by a nephew who has grown up with Harry. I’m still buying copies for the younger children who are now the age he was then. I’m not sure I’ll ever grow up. I’ll always be ready to start all over again with Harry as a first year, each time a new child says, “Will you read this, please?”

Most of all, this is not really the end because Harry will continue to live inside my imagination. If he’s taught us nothing else, he’s taught us that the most powerful magic of all is what we hold inside, in our hearts and in our imaginations.

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