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I spent the day at a conference today, and I never did get out to take pictures. I did snap this one at the conference. I like the expression. He looks like he’s telling someone to just buck up and soldier on. Since he was talking about multimodal literacies with English teachers, there’s every possibility that’s exactly what he was saying.
This is Dickie Selfe of Ohio State University, by the way. He spoke today at a conference on college writing at The University of Mississippi.
I was happy to see him there, and I felt like I got a lot out of his sessions. I’m a big fan.
I’m also the person who showed up at the conference without having even looked at the program ahead of time. I didn’t know who was on the program, and I wasn’t even sure what the topic was. I went because I was asked to go. So this morning when I walked from my hotel to the conference center, I thought, “Wow, that guy over there looks like Dickie Selfe.” Then I kept strolling along until a few minutes later, I thought, “Man, he really looks like Dickie Selfe.” It wasn’t until I sat down behind him and noticed he had the same hair as Dickie Selfe that I thought, “Wow. I really came to the right place today.”
Great job, Dickie. Great job, Ole Miss.