Forgive me while I use my blog like a personal notebook. These recipes were found via Kalyn’s Kitchen. I’m posting them here so that I won’t forget where to look for them again.
Spicy Collards and Black-Eyed Pea Soup
And these I found by wandering onward through A Veggie Venture.
If I’m going to diet, I’m going to have to cook. There seems to be no getting around that. In fact, I could probably forgo all diet plans other than the “cook something healthy daily” plan and do just fine. I need a regimen to remind me to cook something healthy, though, and for now at least I’ve chosen the South Beach Diet.
Some of the recipes marked above I might have to modify slightly for the diet, but they are good places to start.
My goal is to pick two items off this list and make some variety of them within the next week. As goals go, I could do worse. If you don’t hear any more on this matter, you’ll know I’ve failed to follow through and am pretending I never said anything about it in the first place.